Forager's Hay fever tea and 'No Go' Balm - ideas to make at home


Make a simple fresh or dry herb tea using local flowers and leaves that medical herbalists regularly prescribe to alleviate hay fever. You can make a fresh tea to enjoy on the day and dry these herbs to use throughout the year as needed.
Look for the fresh green leaves of plantain, nettle and peppermint (or another mint) that should be readily available. Elderflowers (flower head only - no stems)  and yarrow leaves and flowers add the sweeter floral notes.

Perhaps pick some hawthorn leaves and flowers too, as these add to the  floral, pollen aspect of the tea, which we want you to ingest in small qualities.


Cleavers (sticky willy) are also available now  and could be added. These can help assist sinus and lymph drainage - easing sore throats.

Pick equal amounts if all herbs. Dry them slowly - Allow to wilt and tie in bunches and hang from a cord in the airing cupboard inside a bag so dried leaves are not lost - or another dry, dark, warm space or use a dehydrator. Slow consistent drying is best. For individual leaves and flowers you can place them in a brown paper bag or on a rack on kitchen roll. Good air flow is essential.  Keep your herbs separate and name and date the bags. Good quality dried herbs can last a year.

Use equal amounts of each, gently break up the leaves and add the flowers to make a tea  in small amounts. The more the herbs are broken / chopped the more they de-nature. So, keep them intact when storing.

Use a mixture of some, or all in an infusion (5 mins) two to three times a day. 
If you want to sweeten the taste, source a raw local honey from your region, or close by, as the pollen in this could help. There isn't much pollen in the honey  and many pollens that cause sensitivities are not pollinated by bees – but it tastes wonderful and some of my clients swear it helps. We produce a raw honey from around Boxford in Suffolk.

Keep collecting and dry herbs over the spring and summer, especially as others become more available like elderflower, yarrow, calendula and eyebright.

As the weeks go, by not only can you add these into your mix, but you are also building up your own stock of herbs for other beneficial uses. You'll see many of these herbs  included in my Pippettes Hay Fever Tea.

'NO GO' BALM for your nostrils
Using some balm or even vaseline, gently rub it around the nostril openings. The stickiness can helps to catch those irritating pollen particles before they trigger the inflammatory response on the mucous membranes. Having a 1% essential oil mix in this of eucalyptus, mint or thyme can help keep your sinuses clear too. Especially helpful if you suffer from sinusitis. Adding 10 drops of essential oil to a full pot of our 24 Seven Balm is ideal.

If you haven't got the herbs for the tea mentioned above or are not sure – just message me for for further advice. 

And of course; wearing a face mask and sunglasses outside will help greatly too – so you can multi task with the mask!
N.B. all information is purely for educational purposes and not intended as medical or therapeutic advice. 
Always consult a health practitioner before taking any medicines or natural remedies. 

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